Kith Learning Community

A place of community and connection,
family, nature and earth.⁣
Natural pace learning for all.

For families who’re keen to become part of a group of people who put their children, their wellbeing and education at the forefront of their lives. Full day provision for young people to learn more about themselves, the natural world and each other.

We’re rooted in the meaning of “Kith”

kith: /kɪθ/

  1. one's chosen friends, acquaintances, and relations

  2. from the Old English “cydd”, which means native country, one's home outside the house

A curriculum led by the child
and their connection with the land.

Our days will be set in the rhythms of the child. Outward bouts of explorative energy and calm, quiet moments to refuel. Whilst every child is free to be self-directed, we’ll fall into a rhythm for each day following optional activities, learning opportunities and curiosities for the children to delve into. This looks like long-term child engineered projects, short handcrafts, cooking and naturalist skills. Following the cycles of the seasons we’ll be led by the land and what’s available to us.

There is a thriving community of likeminded families supporting the young people of the LC, you’ll be welcomed into the group to begin enjoying time together beyond Kith. Meet ups, day trips, support and so much more.

More Information

Our Learning Community days are currently fully booked. Please leave your details below if you’d like to add your family to the waiting list.

Monday and Tuesdays
£40 per day discounts available for multiple days and siblings

For children 6+ years old. Payments made monthly in advance. Sibling discounts available.

Whilst these are child only days, we appreciate that for some families that is a big consideration. If you would like to join the Kith Learning Community together with your child, we ask that you contact us directly to discuss the options.

Register Your Interest

Please leave your details below if you’re keen to learn more about the Kith Learning Community. I’ll be in touch with more information. Currently there’s a waiting list operating.