Growing Potatoes

Aah potatoes. So wonderfully versatile and comforting. From the humble jacket potatoes to the super luxurious dauphinoise recipe. The best thing about potatoes though is how super simple they are and how unbelievably rewarding it is to find the little jewels growing in the earth. There are a few things to know before you start and once you’re in your stride, it should be a veg you feel confident to grow each year. Whether you have a rolling hillside or a little yard, you can absolutely grow potatoes at home.

Let’s begin…

What kind of potatoes are you growing? There are a few different varieties depending on what point in the season you’re wanting to harvest. I’ll talk mainly about the 3 varieties we have at Kith this season but once you head out to look at the options, try and keep a few things in mind. When you want to harvest, and what you want to use the potatoes for.

This year we’re growing…

Maris Bard - first earlies
Vivaldi - second earlies
Desiree - main crop

First Early Potatoes - plant from the end of Feb. Roughly 10 weeks to be able to harvest them.
Second Early potatoes - from mid March. Roughly 13 weeks to grow.
Maincrop potatoes - from late March. Roughly 15-20 weeks to grow.

Starting off your seed potatoes
Whilst you might find a few potatoes in the back of your cupboard sprouting eyes, it's not really best to plant these straight out. Specially grown seed potatoes from reputable sources are disease/virus free.

What on earth is "chitting"?!
Chitting is simply a way of giving the seed potato a head start on sprouting.
Pop it in a light room, or frost free space. Using an empty egg box is a great way to keep them upright.
Once they've got 2.5+ (ish) cm of shoot showing, then they're ready for planting out.

What can you do right now?
So, right now you can rummage through the recycling to find those egg boxes and pop your seed potatoes out to begin. ⁣Put your seed potato it in a light room, or frost free space and let it do it’s thing. No need for watering, or any soil at this stage. Using an empty egg box is a great way to keep them upright.⁣⁣

If you’re already on the go with your potatoes. The next step is preparing the ground. Don’t worry if you missed the boat to prepare the soil in the autumn, there are still plenty of ways to grow your potatoes. Be sure to find some well rotted manure and crumbly soil, top soil/compost. Find something large enough to hold your potatoes; a big bucket/a pallet fort/a raised bed or even… a bag for life with some holes poked in the bottom!

More to come when we’re ready for the next stage… stay tuned.


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